Previously we have talked about the benefits of taking a vacation for your daily life, and one of them is to strengthen your relationship. Going on a holiday trip with your significant other has a big potential to nourish your bond since you[...]
We can agree that our daily routines can sometimes become too much to handle and giving you a lot of stress. Although demand and pressure in our workplace or school are unavoidable, you can prevent them from damaging your health by taking a[...]
Marathon is a challenging sport that requires you to do a set of preparation, especially if you are a beginner. The training process begins months before you stand on the starting line. But what exactly you have to keep in mind during your[...]
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Indonesia has hundreds of local ethnicities that offer their own unique traditional cuisines. One of the most well-known is Rendang. This[...]
Vacation sometimes will require you to do some advanced financial tactics including saving money for all the necessities and costs. But managing saving, in general, can be a hassle and a major problem for some people. Therefore, here are[...]